Honing Internal Light

Self Love

I am the sole nourisher of my heart. And the most powerful thing I can do is love myself. Human love can be rapturous and complicated, so lately I’ve been my best companion. What a gift it is to know the joy of dating myself.

I often commune with God, and that presence guides me tremendously. I’m encouraged to devote my heart to motherhood, my artistry and nourishing my overall wellbeing. That has been the most healing counsel I could receive. 

Divine Instruction & Shifts 

I’ve channeled so much of myself into relationships and men. So much of my time has gone to imagining my life with someone else and wondering who my forever person would be. Renouncing that allows me to know the freedom of solely loving me. & that insight came from God so I know through life he is prospering me. 

I am fueling the passions that activate my inner light, like motherhood, creativity and my spirituality. Experiencing the child I have is the closest thing to knowing Heaven. My creative journey gives me a rush that no drug could ever. Lastly, my spiritual path has brought me the closest I’ve ever felt to God. 

Journaling is such a sacred practice of mine. This is the practice that reveals my soul’s deepest insights. I feel that process intersects me with God’s loving embrace. That form of love is endless and it has been more than enough!

Mindfulness & Meeting Myself Further

I find myself being more patient with life. It’s nice to  slow down  and abdandon the tendency to rush. I want to savor the seconds, minutes and hours knowing life through this spirit. My soul won’t experience the same moment twice so it’s important to be present and mindful.

As an artist, the inspiration bug always bites me. There is always an idea or some form of mental imagery I’m working to express through my writing or photography. The creative process of bringing inspiration to life is euphoric! Lately though, I’m preserving some of that excitement by taking more social media breaks and detoxing from my phone. 

I believe that is God’s guidance to just sit with myself and bask in the creator that is me. Some moments are just meant to be shared between us only. I am blessed to know the gift of self expression, and I trust that I am translating my soul effectively, so that my words can align me with the souls that resonate. However it is, a pleasure to enjoy my art at the individual level.


Women Empowerment Essay: Famous Women in History


Soul Reflections: Life Update