Music & The Human Spirit: Exploring D’Angelo
D’Angelo is a master immersed in the wisdom of his craft.
His music is a true haven, exemplifying the divinity of human connection through sound. Dissecting the distinct influence and innovation of black culture in music, D’Angelo is an icon, absolutely legendary to the modern music scene.
A philosopher of his craft, D’Angelo is a saving grace to the music world as his excellence transcends his vocal and instrumental abilities. Equipped with an acute knowledge and wisdom of black music and its history, he encapsulates true artistry.
The same way Prince claimed himself a symbol of music, D‘Angelo is of the same rank, as he eats, sleeps and breathes his art. Personifying musical and artistic excellence, Deangelo’s depth is uncanny and stunning.
The music is distinctly soothing and is reminiscent of a sedative. Due to its restorative nature, it is a prescription written for one’s spirit. With his sonic abilities, and his lyrical championing of black women, D’Angelo is a breathtaking example of true musicianship.
Above all, he reflects the legendary potency of a creator’s soul.
Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for part two! ♥
Life Update
Next to childbirth, The erasure of my family was the biggest change I’ve undergone. Though the initial split brought a sense of relief, the aftermath mirrored hell.
The start of the journey entailed a deep questioning of what the new normal would be, and a struggle to process and decipher the lessons and logic. Often I questioned if the road ahead entailed constant war with my coparent.
Additionally, I have questioned the role I have played in the fracturing of our union. I’ve wondered how one balances self-care while still maintaining selflessness, so the child thrives. Above all, I have wondered endlessly how to reconnect with love and find the humanity in the other party post destruction. Throughout the transition, I’ve sought peace and understanding.
It is empowering to admit that new territory is frightening. Acknowledging that within myself gives me strength. Being a young mother who is now carrying much of the load alone is not what I anticipated.
I do know however that God has kept my child and me because I see illumination on the horizon. That light has taken various forms. Recently, I was gifted a profound sense of peace. It occurred to me that I have gained a sense of normalcy, and it feels like baby and I are finally settling in.
There is a level of comfortability I can now embody that I didn’t have at the start of our transition. Because of this awakening, I know I am living in a prayer.
When I first left Denver, in a moment of vulnerability I expressed to someone verbatim “I feel like my world is upside down.” What once felt like uncertainty and confusion, is becoming a fulfilling rebirth, as I’ve achieved newfound resilience and inner power.
Experiencing dysfunction with your life partner does a number on your spirit, and I know that feeling is mutual. I am aware that regardless of where both sides went wrong, we are both dealing with a profound level of pain for different reasons.
It has been cleansing to the soul however, realizing I am no longer lost and without direction. I now see the journey God has designed is gorgeously manifesting. I know that I can find my footing throughout the chaos of parenting, relationships and life in general.
Throughout my co-parenting journey, a range of human emotions consumed me, most notably anger, worry and hostility. The gift however, is their gradual conversion to prayers prayed and compassion felt for the other parent. This alone has alleviated the mayhem in my spirit and helped smooth the road to repair and restoration for our family.
Remnants of fear that lingered in my psyche are converting to excitement for a chance to lean further into my new life. The more time that passes & the more blessings that appear, the stronger my confidence becomes in myself, life and God.
My biggest gain has been the alchemy of victimhood into a reveling in the empowerment of newfound strength. Now that I see what life has for me as a mom, I appreciate the universality of womanhood, motherhood, and a woman’s tenacity.
As always, I am grateful for my child. This is the sweet young soul who tags along with me through life. She is resilient, tough, and the excellence she exudes astonishes me. It thrills me to witness how God has crafted her.
In my quest to find my way, I’ve contemplated ways to explain our family dynamic to her. Through therapy and introspection, I’ve learned that love is the key. I can immerse her in love completely, and love her through life regardless what happens between her father and I. The bottom line is that she is treasured from both sides no matter what. This will always be proven to her.
She is the realist love I’ve known, and she deserves the highest good.
Finding My Spirituality: New Age Faith
The makings of my spirituality coexist nicely. The connectedness of my personal walk with God and conventional practices evokes deeper exploration.
Organized Religion
The universality of religion and Catholicism has been refreshing to discover. Since I relocated from Denver, I have met others of the same faith as me. Sharing and resonating with their holiday and churchgoing traditions is a pleasant experience.
I grew up in the Catholic Faith but as an adult, strayed from it to examine what truly resonated with my heart. Since reconnecting with church and religion in recent years, I have found a great sense of community which I’ve come to appreciate.
The recalling of my rediscovery of church and religion is remindful of my daughter’s baptism into the Catholic church. I wholeheartedly feel that was one of the best gifts she has received. Even if my baby gravitates towards a different faith as she grows, I am thrilled about an introduction to God and community was established for her.
Above anything it is empowering as her mother that through her baptism she awakens to the Holy Spirit dwelling in her. Knowing my child is covered and connected to God in some capacity gives me peace of mind as her mother in the chaotic world we’re in.
The Power Within
I was always advised to keep a mind of my own when it came to spirituality. My journey entails a beautiful blend of conventional and traditional wisdom from church and biblical teachings as well as my own gems I’ve discovered personally.
I do not discount the traditional sources of spiritual wisdom, as I have found great strength and peace in the scriptures of the Bible. Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 23, and Corinthians 13:4 have been heavily applicable to my life.
I am however aware of the potential for religion and the Bible to be misused and weaponized. I don’t believe God’s loving voice to be one of hate, condemnation or judgement. That is when I stray and find refuge in my personal path with him.
In doing so, I’ve discovered many spiritual texts and practices that deeply feed my being. One of the most healing elements of my routine is journaling. Sitting with my being and communing with my own inner priesthood, a term coined by spiritualist Janet Oconnor, is extremely soothing.
This practice connects me with my intuitive abilities which reminds me of the Conversations with God book series. An idea presented in these texts is that God communicates with us through feeling, and I have resonated profoundly with that as I believe his guidance materializes through my introspective discoveries. In essence, spirituality is about what profoundly speaks to me and touches my inner most being.
Additionally, I know that heaven looks out for me. I feel ancestral energy guiding me and I’m becoming more relaxed about that discovery. Battling mental health, learning how to parent better, and navigating the frustrations of parenthood have left me feeling fragile and defeated at times.
Through it all I’ll experience a memory or have a dream of a deceased loved one accompanied by distinct peace and bliss. That feels like a token of heaven assuring me that I am guided, protected and okay.
One of the most rewarding components of my faith is my openness to other means of divine connection. Interspirituality is the term for this, and I see it manifesting nicely in my life. I was baptized as a Catholic, but I have found an interest in Buddhism. Much of Buddhist literature entails interesting philosophies such as the root of human suffering, that id appreciate knowing more about.
Ultimately, spirituality is an endless journey of exploration and deep learning for me. Currently, my biggest revelation is that God‘s plan may look and feel different but it is much more enriching to the plans I’ve created.
I view my life as one fluid walk with God. Every decision I make is anointed by his divine instruction.
Women Empowerment Essay: Famous Women in History
The old-fashioned Hollywood bombshells are perfect expressions of female complexity. I am quite taken with the depth and influence of these women beyond their sex appeal and glamor. Dorothy Dandridge & Lena Horne initially come to mind. Both actresses and singers of the 1950s &1960s, these two were stunning expressions of talent, beauty and black human complexity.
Born within five years of each other, both women amazed me with the prominent parallels of their artistic journeys. Beauty was only one element of the equation, as the influence of these women held great magnitude. Firstly, their influence was instrumental in the inclusion of black people in entertainment, and the achieving of justice for blacks.
With Dandridge being the first black female Oscar award recipient , and Horne’s activism in and out of the industry, these two were absolute trailblazers. The icing on top was their ethereal external beauty, which made them the black community’s answer to iconic stars like Marilyn Monroe & Jayne Mansfield who were both exceptionally stunning white women.
Monroe and Mansfield were breathtaking expressions of a similar blonde aesthetic, executed in their own unique ways. An actress and the other a playboy playmate of the 50s and 60s, I am intrigued that two different souls could identically portray the same aesthetic of white beauty. As striking as Mansfield and Monroe were, however, it is refreshing to have Dandridge and Horne representing for black women.
Lastly, I think about Evelyn Washington, commonly known as Cocoa. She is truly breathtaking and drop dead gorgeous! have never seen a beauty of the contemporary world like her. Known for her outspoken and authentic digital content, she’s truly a gem to keep up with online! What floors me the most is her inner beauty and her unapologetic expression of what makes her human.
In the years I have followed Cocoa, she has been so open about mental health, her walk with God, and navigating human flaws and embracing them. She embodies the qualities of an exemplary woman including beauty, confidence, warmth & complexity. Above anything she is authentic.
The further I progress into my womanhood, I find great inspiration in the women who embody their higher selves, historically and in the present. What fascinates me most are the various parts of feminine allure, beyond the exterior.
Tragedy and Triumph: The Dorothy Dandridge Story | Vanity Fair
Lena Horne | Jazz Icon, Civil Rights Activist, Hollywood Star | Britannica
Honing Internal Light
Self Love
I am the sole nourisher of my heart. And the most powerful thing I can do is love myself. Human love can be rapturous and complicated, so lately I’ve been my best companion. What a gift it is to know the joy of dating myself.
I often commune with God, and that presence guides me tremendously. I’m encouraged to devote my heart to motherhood, my artistry and nourishing my overall wellbeing. That has been the most healing counsel I could receive.
Divine Instruction & Shifts
I’ve channeled so much of myself into relationships and men. So much of my time has gone to imagining my life with someone else and wondering who my forever person would be. Renouncing that allows me to know the freedom of solely loving me. & that insight came from God so I know through life he is prospering me.
I am fueling the passions that activate my inner light, like motherhood, creativity and my spirituality. Experiencing the child I have is the closest thing to knowing Heaven. My creative journey gives me a rush that no drug could ever. Lastly, my spiritual path has brought me the closest I’ve ever felt to God.
Journaling is such a sacred practice of mine. This is the practice that reveals my soul’s deepest insights. I feel that process intersects me with God’s loving embrace. That form of love is endless and it has been more than enough!
Mindfulness & Meeting Myself Further
I find myself being more patient with life. It’s nice to slow down and abdandon the tendency to rush. I want to savor the seconds, minutes and hours knowing life through this spirit. My soul won’t experience the same moment twice so it’s important to be present and mindful.
As an artist, the inspiration bug always bites me. There is always an idea or some form of mental imagery I’m working to express through my writing or photography. The creative process of bringing inspiration to life is euphoric! Lately though, I’m preserving some of that excitement by taking more social media breaks and detoxing from my phone.
I believe that is God’s guidance to just sit with myself and bask in the creator that is me. Some moments are just meant to be shared between us only. I am blessed to know the gift of self expression, and I trust that I am translating my soul effectively, so that my words can align me with the souls that resonate. However it is, a pleasure to enjoy my art at the individual level.
Soul Reflections: Life Update
Starting Over: Single Motherhood
The nurturing spirit of God’s leadership inebriates me. I've entered a space where only he and I dwell. This keeps me centered so I can approach this chapter.
Single motherhood is not the life I imagined or expected; however, I’ve embraced it in full. Female independence is empowering. It’s a process of God illuminating the innate power a woman holds and pours into her dependents.
It is liberating to stop needing someone else to step up, and astonishing when you see what you're made of. I am fulfilled when the fruits of my labor manifest in a happy, healthy child.
This new chapter is beautiful, but it is not without sadness. I am working to grasp how mutual pain exists where love once resided. Admittedly I question if it ever even was love. I pray God helps me reconnect with love as a means of repair, if that’s what’s meant to happen. My ultimate priority is peace.
I can’t deny the reality of fears I've had given the need for black fathers in the home. I reflect on my own experiences in relationships and consider the example and patterns I'd like to establish in response to the change in my family dynamic.
Above all, I wish for my child to have a healthy relationship with herself and men: free of abuse and dysfunction of any form while remaining fully aware of her worth. Honestly, it tugs at my heartstrings and chokes me up when I imagine a potential void she may feel.
However, God advises me that I should be grateful for the lessons, and to find solace in the fact that I am the perfect woman for this job. That epiphany is healing!
Embracing Change
Truthfully, I’m enamored with what the transition has blossomed into. Our routine fulfills me. During the week, I take her to school so I can work on my writing projects. Her school is a gift because everyday she brings home new artwork and new knowledge of all she’s learned.
She is well cared for and exceptionally intelligent. My baby is learning so much about herself, academics and getting better acquainted with the world around her.
& She is all smiles at pick up and drop off so I’m confident that the care she’s receiving is pristine. The best of all is that I feel my heart expanding, with every laugh, and gasp of amazement she blesses me with as I watch God prosper her.
I pray he continues to do so through me, and her community. Gratitude overflows from my spirit at the support I've received from my dad, brother, and mother at this time.
Further, the additional family who has poured into my child’s sweet spirit with endless love and affection has been the cherry on top. She eats it up, and with as precious as she is, she deserves it.
The greatest solace of all resides in my certainty that renouncing my old life and starting over was the right decision. I remain unwavering in that faith.
Dating, Healing & Black Love
In the early stages of this new life, I tried my hand at love again with the most beautiful black man I’ve known. I mean he was just breathtakingly beautiful in essence and presentation. What is even more heavenly is the feeling of detachment from something I thought I'd always be bound to.
Our chemistry was addictive so I ignored all other signs of incompatibility until I was forced to let go of our potential to be together. I am thankful for his love but even happier to have come home to myself to review the insights I gained.
The most prominent of them all is I should never be so hooked on someone else’s energy that I can’t feel my own.
My experiences with men have catalyzed the road home to myself. And while letting go is painful, so much of the divine perfection of God’s plan is manifesting. This makes the journey worth it. Being newly single has its perks however I’m using it wisely and responsibly to nurture my perception of self.
My solitude has brought me closer to the cathartic properties of art and expression, and I believe God has me divinely where I should be. Relationships do not always work out but it is reassuring that I can endlessly bask in the depth of my own heart, imagination and spirit.
The art I have immersed myself in has felt like a church, or just a sacred space to commune with the divine in my life. Essentially my expressive zone has been my favorite form of self love. What is better than using your creative gifts to nourish the heart?
This has been such a healing experience for me, and it’s preparing me for love that is fresh, novel and divine.
Being open to something new is actually very exciting to think about, and I’ll be happy to approach it from a healed space. I believe I could welcome new energy into my life with ease and without being a hostage of the past.
It’s rewarding when the nurturing spirit of a black man supplements the joy you pour into yourself. So, I’ll be waiting patiently for mine.
Tone Stith
Music prodigy Tone Stith. He cowrote Chris Brown’s song Liquor, and has a gorgeous falsetto voice.
This man’s falsetto range mirrors that of Maxwell and Prince.
Life Update: Self-Love Journal
There is a distinct peace and liberation of being newly single. This period in my life calls for introspection as I uncover the new lessons I’ve gained that are true gems of illumination, guiding me towards a life that resonates.
I can appreciate the way this last stint with love inspired a shift in values. This allows me to set new goals for myself and assess my values as a young woman. My greatest revelation was that more than anything I crave inner peace, independence, and stability, and sometimes those don’t identically correlate with a relationship.
Additionally, I've realized that relationships require space, boundaries, compatible communication styles, and inner work to be healthy. Timing is also crucial, allowing both parties to fully learn one another before going full force into commitments. Having these discoveries is incredibly enriching as I feel I’m much wiser and mentally equipped to love myself better.
Change can feel frightening in a lot of aspects, but simultaneously I feel so rich in growth, God’s illumination and life’s lessons as they’re serving as guidance in the present moment. This experience has given me an avenue to reconstruct a more aligned path for myself and I am immensely grateful.
Though partnerships can be a challenge, I’ve known love to be a riveting, thrilling adventure for the soul: like the butterflies that swarm when your hands touch for the first time, and you melt at how perfectly your hands fit together.
Or even more intimately, how your heart melts at the first signs of physical intimacy, like gentle shea butter foot rubs, or mesmerizing eye-contact, and a touch that makes your whole being tremble. Memories like these keep me from fully ruling out love and inspire me to be open to finding it again in the right timing. So, it's not all bad.
In a social climate that forcefully advocates for marriage as one’s main life goal, I'm excited to be patient with love, and further develop myself as an individual. Of course I didn’t anticipate finding myself single again, so now that I am, I want to be wise with it, savor it and be patient with love.
A Fruitful Year for TK
A selfie taken by Tynisha Keli. Not my photo, strictly using it to shine light on her artistry.
R&B veteran Tynisha Keli is having a fruitful 2024. With the aid of Humble Sound Records, the songstress has re-released her beloved projects The Fifth Element and Underdogs. Both are jam packed with R&B gems from the early years of her career.
Tynisha’s music is in a caliber of its own however these projects are even more of a treat given her career history. As one explores Tynisha’s past, they will find that much of her discography was stripped from streaming platforms as a result of predatory management. Additionally, much of the music she wrote was rejected for her albums.
Troops, Tynisha’s loving and loyal fan base are overjoyed as one would imagine. The re-releasing of her music is not solely a testament to Tynisha Keli’s resilience, but her will and drive to give her supporters what they have missed for years.
Both projects highlight Tynisha’s heavenly, addictive vocals, and the universality of the human experience. Tynisha Keli has a distinct ability to narrate the common life themes one will experience including relationships, self-love, broken homes, and more. She is incredibly relatable and that is one of many reasons her Troops cherish her. This lion-hearted Leo Queen is a true warrior as she triumphs and continuously perseveres.
Underdogs and The Fifth Element are the precedents to The Chronicles of TK Part 2, the artist’s highly anticipated upcoming album due to release this year, too. She will drop more projects through her independent label Sinai records. Going forward, the music will be in safe hands as Sinai represents all that is true and of God. 🕊️
Eternal: Timeless Music
A screenshot of Eternal’s song played through Apple Music. The photo is not mine and is strictly used to show appreciation for their work.
The song is tear-jerkingly touching and beautiful. The blend of ethereal vocals, lyrics and instruments make it heaven in musical form. Twenty seven years later and this work of art is still novel and impactful. It is completely timeless, hence the group’s name Eternal.
The first verse is like ecstasy with celestial vocals evoking rapture. Angel of Mine is a gorgeous expression of love and completely ethereal. So soft, angelic, sweet, and wholesome, the track resonates deeply and radiates love, soulfulness, and depth.
The lyrics and vocals are rich with emotion coupled with a chorus that tugs at the heart strings. Soothing and sentimental, Eternal’s vocals permeate the heart and give one life. This is real music, true expression in the purest form.
One listen is not enough, as the enchanting voices and stunning lyricism make the song addictive. There is a distinct feeling of bliss one is consumed with upon hearing this work of art. How refreshing to experience as the industry needs more of this.
Tynisha Keli: A Tale of Tenacity & Talent
Photo taken by Tynisha Keli:
Music industry veteran Tynisha Keli celebrates her hit I Wish You Loved Me achieving platinum status. An accolade as such is worthy of tremendous praise however this speaks volumes of Tynisha’s tenacity and her gifts of music and sound.
The New Bedford talent is an open book and has demonstrated vulnerability beautifully throughout her career. Through her platform she’s detailed the countless losses she endured both personally and professionally.
Despite her adversities with losing loved ones, battling mental health, and surviving injustices in the recording industry, her talent, gifts, and strength always transcend and persevere.
Divine timing is a truth of life, and this accomplishment couldn’t have occurred at a more fitting period in Tynisha’s reviving career. Come summer of 2024, one can expect the long-awaited release of The Chronicles of TK: Part Two. The project will be linked to Tynisha Keli’s independent label, Sanai Records.
There is no better way to commence her creative and musical renaissance than with fresh material. Though I Wish You Loved me is a timeless hit and a signature record for the New Bedford artist, Tynisha’s discography is a treasure chest rich with musical gems.
Troops, the artist’s distinct fan base, should not expect anything less than exceptional from the album.
Springtime with You
This is reminiscent of a dream. It feels perfect. That is how I know you’re from heaven. Moments with you make the heart content. I am savoring every aspect of our time together. We commence the first day of Spring with a morning at the park.
You explode with joy and a grin that spans from ear to ear. You love the swings, and I love you. Your joy and laughter stem from your purity and innocence. You are so inquisitive and crave exploration of the world around you. You wish to share your world with me, and others.
Every little finding, every little detail and nuance of your unfolding journey, you share it with me. It makes me melt. And I love that you’re demonstrating kindness in your own way. It is so easy to be attached to your infancy, and how fresh and novel you are to this world.
But I transform those feelings, by thanking God you’re advancing and gaining more life. Keep growing at your own perfect pace.
Self-Love Journal
I have been fascinated with self-love for some time now. It has been an ongoing process of discovering the heaven within myself and indulging in my inner divine playground.
Additionally, I’ve found it to be an ever-unfolding appreciation for myself and how my soul resonates with the world around me.
I have taken initiative by indulging my heart in all that is fulfilling, so it knows the highest extent of euphoria life offers. Assuming full responsibility for my joy is one of the most prominent themes of my self-love journey.
& The love itself isn’t even the highlight of it all, rather the epiphany that the source of it all is me. My writing provides a safe space to express transparency.
And admittedly I have undergone my phases where I believed I needed a partner to be the primary source of my excitement in life.
The more my self-awareness and self-knowledge expand however, I find my capacity to self-fulfill empowering. Learning the true essence of self-love fills me up greatly. & I am thrilled to endlessly explore the being within.
My hope is that love will dwell within me eternally, and that I will never stray from this exploratory path of my talents, creativity and God.
To my family: My Greatest Muse
This comforter is nice but the real warmth stems from Luna and you. We are flowing in familial harmony and unison. The stillness of the room envelops us in a blanket of peace, and we are greeted by the eastern sun reflecting off the curtain gorgeously. The sound of your voice breaks the silence as you say, “This might be my favorite part of the day.”
That resonates with me. This is the part of the day and life that is ours.
Those sweet nuances of life with family and my soul prove life is good. They are my balance. I find myself surrendering to it all through presence. Mindfulness allows me to endure every aspect of the moment so I can live fully.
How typical of my human mind to relentlessly contemplate the future: the next shift at work, or the next chore on my to-do list. Succumbing to that anxiety merely extracts me from the moment, forcing me to experience it halfway. Presence is the priority. I should be immersed fully in the richness and sweetness life offers me.
Those serene, meditative times with family is the enrichment that satisfies me. They are like a dose of sugar, or a quick fix. They’re true soul therapy.
Slow Down & Be with Her: A Reflective Life Update
I recently read the saying “I will never have this version of myself again. Let me slow down and be with her.” These words struck a chord with me, as they felt like divine permission to be still and balance the grind with gratitude and presence.
My creative, professional and maternal ambition has led me on an endless journey of goal setting, striving and self-improvement. I am incessantly pursuing avenues of elevation for myself and my family unit. I realize however that there are so many gems of the here and now that are equally deserving of my attention.
Creatively speaking, there is much in store for my art brand, and it is a true pleasure using every day to invest in my craft, and using my expressive passion to fuel my projects. Admittedly, though, it is a journey. While I graciously endure the gradual creative process, I can celebrate what I have now artistically.
Like my recent discoveries of new artists, new music, new poems and writers with fresh artistry that aliment my heart. I am quite taken with this version of myself that is diving deeper into the creativity of others and using it to nourish her soul.
Some of my most rapturous moments have been in solitude enjoying the lyrics, poetry, and celestial expression of other artists. Art and creativity are the soul’s playground, and I’m happy I can resonate with other creators. Surely I am endlessly striving to be the best artist I can be, but I will not attach my happiness to the end result of my creative journey because there’s much to savor right now.
Domestically speaking, I find myself in endless pursuit of ways to elevate myself as a mother, partner and young adult. My emotional, financial and spiritual contributions to my family unit are the most important aspect of my life as nothing is more important than my daughter’s and fiancé’s wellbeing.
That said, it is easy to fixate on the grind and the goals I’ve set to level up for myself and for my family, like using my degree, bilingual, and writing skills to advance my corporate career to enhance my family’s quality of life. But there’s a unique peace I gain from enjoying what we have in the now when it comes to my young adulthood and my family.
For example, I am certainly committed to striving to give my Luna Violet the highest quality of life, as it is her birthright. However I’m loving the current version of me who has learned to budget, be financially disciplined and to prioritize her daughter’s needs to ensure she is provided for. Additionally, in my quest to career advancement, it’s important I take time to celebrate all that I currently have.
Surely, it is empowering to envision myself climbing the corporate ladder and shattering the glass ceiling as a woman in the workplace. Admittedly though, I’m impressed that in the present, I am a bilingual college graduate applying her education and professionalism to her current corporate role and budding entrepreneurialism. There is always something I can improve or develop, but there’s a plethora of tasks that I’m currently doing right and well, and I am pleased to be reminded of that.
Finally, and most importantly, I cherish this version of me who surrenders her goals and desires to the Great Spirit above, and exercises patience as her blessings grace the horizon.
Often, I am greeted by the nostalgic memories of my past selves. The sentimentality makes me think of the fast pace life happens at and the value of the many versions of myself I’ve experienced. What’s more, it all inspires me to be more present with my current self & to appreciate the nuances of each stage life gifts me, no matter how hectic or demanding the grind gets.
To My Luna
Let’s get lost in this moment, savoring our ever-growing bond. I’ve never known a time as precious as this. In between the hustle and life grind it’s just you and me, mother and child, finding refuge in each other.
The simplicity of our connection fills me up the most. Like the calm, serene pattern of your breaths as I nurse you. Or the content way you rest in my embrace symbolizing your trust in me.
From First Dates to Forever: Our Engagement Story
Chris is a divine demonstration of love. What greater blessing is there, than a partner who speaks to my heart, personalizing every token of love to me.
Like our first date, where he picked me up and graced my senses with his Dior cologne, nearly inebriating me.
He then immersed me in nature through sunflower bouquets and gorgeous lake views, knowing florals and aquatic scenes satisfy my soul deeply.
Or last week, when he selflessly converted his birthday dinner into a night of honoring our union.
Just after I lit his birthday candles so he could make a wish, the heartwarming melody of Stevie Wonder’s Ribbon in the Sky graced my ears to my surprise.
This ballad reverts me to childhood. It is what I’ve always envisioned myself getting married to, when I found the one to approach eternity with.
Shortly after the opening lyrics, Chris asked me to stand up, and showered me with a sweet dialogue of what our partnership meant to him.
Taken aback by this pleasant transition of events, I listened joyfully, completely captivated by his heart’s expression.
He then addressed my full name while taking a knee and presenting a stunning jeweled silver diamond. At that moment, he asked me to be his wife.
I gladly said yes, and surrendered to the lump in my throat with happy tears.
I feel so blessed to have experienced this monumental moment in our journey, and to have shared it with our daughter and every other soul surrounding us with communal love and support.
Diamonds are luxurious. Flowers and picturesque views are a bonus, but what’s more touching is the sentiment behind it all.
What counts the most is the great efforts invested to convey his deepest affections for me. That is what I am truly grateful for.
Songs of the Heart
Featured music and a self portrait
I appreciate the ways music depicts love.
It is such a sonically gorgeous expression of intimacy, like Muni Long’s Hours and Hours, so poetic, so passionate, and pure.
What an incredibly soulful and sultry translation of the heart’s enamoration.
How alluring it is to witness a woman in love, as found in Ariana Grande’s Imagine.
The harmonies, the melodies, & her enchanting narrative of intimacy, inspire me to reflect on my own journey.
& they mark a pivotal chapter in my young womanhood.
I rediscovered this hypnotizing track upon obtaining my degree, and finding my passions.
A serious romance, and a family of my own were now what I saw for myself. This was the epoch in my life where I felt I could manifest that.
This song gifted me a profound hope and certainty that those desires were God’s will for me.
Love is captivatingly beautiful.
What’s even more sacred is the magnitude of gratitude I have for God’s and life’s grace, hindering the past from working out and saving me for better.
Home is Where the Soul is Happy
Aromatic sweetness of mom’s cobbler fills the air, and there is overwhelming peace in my heart.
I have never been so centered.
Routinely I am on the go, attempting to keep up with the rapid-fire pace at which life flows at, yet this is the most presence I have ever known.
I am inspired to savor the moment and experience it in full, as my spirit knows This is where I should be.
There are mini luxuries all around, like mom’s distinctly captivating home decor, allowing her soul to manifest through the house.
& The harmonic chorus of birds singing the songs of spring, while the external arbor life exudes stillness and serenity.
Home is where the inner presence is centered, and where the soul is happy.